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ATI PN FUNDAMENTAL  PROCTORED EXAM 2023\2024  [actual exam]

[actual exam]
A nurse is planning care for a group of clients. Which of the following
tasks should the nurse delegate to an assistive personnel?
a. Changing the dressing for a client who has a stage 3 pressure injury
b. Determining a client's response to a diuretic
c. Comparing radial pulses for a client who is postoperative
d.Providing postmortem care to a client - CORRECT ANSWERS-d
A nurse is conducting a health assessment for a client who takes
herbal supplements. Which of the following statements by the client
indicates an understanding of the use of the supplements?
A. I take ginkgo biloba for a headache
B. I take echinacea to control my cholesterol
C. I use ginger when I get car sick
D. I use garlic for my menopausal symptoms - CORRECT ANSWERS-c
A nurse is caring for a client who has influenza and isolation
precautions in place. Which of the following actions should the nurse
take to prevent the spread of infection?
A. Wear a mask when working within 3 feet of the client
B. Administer metronidaz

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